We wrap up the week by joining Jackie Steel, Group Compliance Officer, Enra Specialist Finance to get a glimpse into what motivates her, challenges her – and charities she supports.
Who inspires you to live your best life?
My mum, she was so strong, hard working, always friendly and very calm. If I could be half the person she was that would be a great achievement for me.
If there was one charity you could donate to, which would you choose?
Cancer research
What keeps you up at night?
When I start a new project or task on occasion my mind searches for ideas at night and sometimes I get some good ones! I keep a pen and paper by my bed so I jot them down and then I can sleep soundly unless of course my other half wakes me up with his snoring, thankfully not often!
On hard days, what motivates you to get up and start your day?
Knowing I have a responsibility to keep going and not wanting to let people down.
What was the biggest challenge you faced in your career?
Probably coming back to work after having my beautiful daughter and overcoming the challenges of building back up my confidence, and getting the balance right between work life and family life.
For more information about International Women’s Day visit https://www.internationalwomensday.com/